Heavens Kingdom Within


“I was at the end of my Christian rope and somehow my wife managed to convince me to go to a Bible study in the middle of the week.  On the way there we got into an explosive argument about our faith.  I was done with Christianity and was ready to shift my full attention to making as much money as I could with the hope of buying a secluded second home that was on the water.  I reluctantly went to the bible study and it was shortly thereafter I had the most amazing, incredible, terrifying, and dreadful encounter with God I could have ever imagined…”

Heavens Kingdom Within – Paperback
Heavens Kingdom Within – eBook
SKU: 978-1-937514-90-7-1 Categories: , ,


Heaven’s Kingdom Within

The World’s Greatest Solution To The World’s Biggest Problem–Matthew Coombs


“I was at the end of my Christian rope and somehow my wife managed to convince me to go to a Bible study in the middle of the week.  On the way there we got into an explosive argument about our faith.  I was done with Christianity and was ready to shift my full attention to making as much money as I could with the hope of buying a secluded second home that was on the water.  I reluctantly went to the bible study and it was shortly thereafter I had the most amazing, incredible, terrifying, and dreadful encounter with God I could have ever imagined…”

The Coombs’ life story is thought-provoking and inspiring. Their insight and perspective of the Gospel, combined with their raw passion and obedience, will lead you beyond the ordinary to an extraordinary faith in Christ. You will discover there is so much more within you to impact the world around you. –– Curt Demoff Lead Pastor Bridgewood Church
While reading Heaven’s Kingdom Within, I quickly discovered that it was a heartfelt read. It was inspiring, engaging and real! It invites one to have a closer walk with the Lord. Matthew’s story is truly a blessing and it shows that it’s all in God’s plan for us to be used as a blessing for others. Thank you, Matthew, for sharing your journey with me and with others. Stay on the battlefield for the Lord! –– Dr. Karen Weaver Friend, neighbor and former Mayor of Flint
As you read Matthew’s story and his insights into the word of God you will see the mighty hand of God at work in a person from before his birth and the providential call and foreknowledge of God upon a man’s life. This truth can become your truth. There is a great statement written in the book of 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 and I paraphrase it. You yourselves are a letter inscribed on the heart, to be read by everyone. It is clear that you are a letter from Christ, not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. Matthew has shared his history, but you have a personal history. The enemy may have meant it for evil, but God has meant it for good. Seek first the Kingdom of God in the history of your life. Acknowledge Christ in all the things that are happening in your life, and you will see how He has been directing your paths all along. I’m sure that after you have read this book you will want to share it, because it’s a living wonderful story. It is a story of the power of God. –– Pastor Daniel Kolenda, Jr. Lead Pastor at Calvary Assembly of God Port Charlotte, Florida

Additional information

ISBN 978-1-937514-67-9
Page Count 110
Weight 7.04 oz
Dimensions 6.0 × 9.0 × 0.28 in
Book Type

Paperback, eBook