Your Kid Did What?


Feeling lost and heartbroken after a difficult revelation from your child? You’re not alone. Your Kid Did What? Strategies For Reclaiming Joy When Parenting Gets Tough offers hope and practical guidance for Christian parents facing a wide range of challenges with their children (of all ages).

Your Kid Did What? – Paperback
Your Kid Did What? – eBook
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Does your teen or young adult’s behavior
Leave you feeling hopeless, lost and alone?

Feeling lost and heartbroken after a difficult revelation from your child? You’re not alone. Your Kid Did What? Strategies For Reclaiming Joy When Parenting Gets Tough offers hope and practical guidance for Christian parents facing a wide range of challenges with their children (of all ages).

Whether it’s a shocking discovery, a rebellious streak, or a mental health concern, this book equips you with the tools to navigate these storms and find joy again. Combining Paula Lau’s experience as a counselor with her faith, Your Kid Did What? will help you:

  • Understand your own reactions and emotions.
  • Establish and maintain healthy boundaries with your child.
  • Discover practical strategies for dealing with crisis.
  • Find renewed strength and hope through your faith.
  • Reclaim your joy in living life, even amid difficulty.

“The Lord gave me a very important directive after I had written this book. I was to ask our son’s permission to share the situation and stories from this period in our lives. After all, this was my son’s story as much as it is ours. I wanted to know he would not be surprised or hurt by my revelations about this complicated time in our relationship.

“He took the time to read through this study and we had a heart-to-heart conversation about its contents. We agreed to disagree on our particular memories of that season, as well as those questions of belief where we currently don’t see eye to eye.

“However, after reading it through, he permitted me to share our journey. I would not have moved forward without his blessing.

“I hope you will understand the heart and nature of this book as you read.” — Paula


You took your kids to Sunday School every week. They memorized their Bible verses and couldn’t wait to show you their weekly gold star. Summer camp and youth group were highlights. And you trusted the Lord to bless and protect them. You did the right things. But no matter how much time we invest in leading our children, we can anticipate some bumps in the road. There were days I looked to the heavens and asked, “Who is this kid, and where did I go wrong?” As the mother of three sons, they tested me. They understood with great precision new ways to shock me. “This is not how I raised you!” I was baffled, bewildered, and often beside myself. Paula Lau’s new book, “Your Kid Did What? Reclaiming Joy When Parenting Gets Tough,” would have been a balm for this mama’s heart. There is comfort in knowing you are not alone. The author’s journey is a practical and informative step-by-step guide to help parents regain a sense of wholeness and contentment. “As the world rapidly changes around us, we need the steadying presence of Jesus and the foundations of his Word. We can reclaim our joy as Christians to live the abundant life Christ desires for us.” I strongly endorse the author’s willingness to shed the shame, fear, and heartache. Her journey is a map for parents to reclaim joy and peace - and live an abundant life in Christ. ––Deb DeArmond 2017 Selah Award Winner

Additional information

ISBN 978-1-963794-08-3
Page Count 128
Weight 7.84 oz
Dimensions 6 × 9 × .32 in
Book Type

Paperback, eBook