Tom Clarke at Diamond Head in Waikiki, Hawaii

Tom Clarke

Tom Clarke lives in both Florida and Hawaii with his dog Kona, who is incredibly loyal with love and forgiveness.

This book is Tom Clarke’s story; it’s no more complicated than that. Simple. Basic. It is revelation through creation that is all around. This seemingly silent realm speaks to us. If you listen, it will speak naturally, and when you hear it, there will be no doubt. Throughout this book, Tom has included stop and be still moments. These are simply places in the book where he is wanting you to stop and take time to think about what you are reading. It is his desire that at these points you will pause long enough to allow the point of his words to take root in your spirit. Be prepared to be impacted.

Tom enjoys having a paintbrush in hand to encourage others through sharing his art. He enjoys the outdoors through hiking, boating, surfing, and enjoying whatever fun the water can bring. When he isn’t speaking and helping with community events for youth and other organizations, Tom enjoys time with his daughters and friends.