Be Resilient


In life we face many adversities, traumas, and tragedies that test our faith. These things can cause setbacks and frustration that stretch you beyond your limits and leave you wondering what to do.

Be Resilient – Paperback
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In life we face many adversities, traumas, and tragedies that test our faith. These things can cause setbacks and frustration that stretch you beyond your limits and leave you wondering what to do. The question is: how do we bounce back? The answer is found in this book! “Be Resilient” is a collection of real-life stories from unwavering women, better known as “Girlfriends,” that have rebounded through life’s calamities. You will learn from their experience how to recover, move beyond your challenges, and find that our elasticity is in whom we live, move and have our being. Your next level is calling you.

Read this book and discover the tools, encouragement and healing you need to answer with courage, knowing you’re not alone. After all, “Every girlfriend needs a girlfriend!”

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him (James 1:12 NIV).

It’s not surprising to me that Pastor Miranda Faye Pope would create a space for women to write their stories about being resilient. She has been a bold woman of faith who has stood the test of time and has had the ability and durability to bounce back from her set backs. Pastor Pope brings a wealth of experience and leadership in gathering and mobilizing women toward greater strength and inner power.

Her motto “Love Never Fails” is demonstrated in the way she reaches out to meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of people everywhere. All of us face storms that test our character and our faith. “Be Resilient” is an inspiring collection of stories from women who have went from tragedy to triumph, brokenness to blessings, and from pieces to peace. This compilation of real-life journeys creates a spiritual tapestry, which when woven together brings encouragement and hope in an uncertain time and season. It will not only stimulate and enrich you, but it will provide important keys to successfully getting to the other side of whatever obstacles you may be facing in these challenging times.

As you read this book, allow it to enrich you, give you hope and heal you. These times demand that you stay encouraged. I know these stories about being resilient will inspire you, build your faith and bring you to a new level of trusting in God. A Woman That Has Been Resilient

Elder Sheila Renee’ Vann
Executive Pastor of Second Ebenezer, Detroit, MI
Founder of Keep It Moving Ministries

Additional information

ISBN 978-1-946180-28-5
Page Count 96
Weight 4.0 oz
Dimensions 5.0 × 7.0 × 0.25 in
Book Type


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