The Ekklesia Council: The Tale of Two Families


In Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus invited His ekklesia into a council for governance. The idea of God working through a council is revealed from Genesis to Revelation. God governs the heavens through His angelic sons, who are often called sons of Elohim or bene elohim. God created the earth after the pattern found in heaven, including the creation of a family of human sons who were mandated to function as God’s representative governors in the earth.

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In Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus invited His ekklesia into a council for governance. The idea of God working through a council is revealed from Genesis to Revelation. God governs the heavens through His angelic sons, who are often called sons of Elohim or bene elohim. God created the earth after the pattern found in heaven, including the creation of a family of human sons who were mandated to function as God’s representative governors in the earth. This book, The Ekklesia Council: A Tale of Two Families, lays the premise of the angelic family and the human family sitting together in God’s council and co-laboring to advance God’s Kingdom on the earth as it is in heaven. This Ekklesia book is my second attempt to mine the treasures discovered in Matthew 16:13-19, especially verses 18 and 19, which reads: And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

My friend and ministry colleague, Dr. Patti Amsden, is a very able expositor of the Bible. Her teaching releases prophetic revelation and clear understanding to her readers and hearers. This is especially evident in this her latest book, The Ekklesia Council: A Tale of Two Families. I have heard her teach on this topic and now I am delighted to have it in print. Of all the books out today, on the subject of the ekklesia Church, there is not another like this volume. Her insights about the will of God being implemented on the earth in history through the coordination and synchronization of the angelic family of God and the human family of God will equip the Body of Christ with faith and provide you and me with guidelines on how to transform human culture and disciple the nations of the earth. This book is substantive, meaty, and yet practical. Use it for personal study and as a teaching guide in your Bible study and/or prayer groups.

- Jim Hodges is the Founder and President of Federation of Ministries and Churches International.

Dr. Patti Amsden is one of the most mature biblical scholars and teachers whom I have the honor of knowing. She has the respect of many of the leaders in the Body of Christ. Her sword is always sharp, and her insight is on the cutting edge, giving eternal vocabulary and understanding to the moving of the Spirit in our day and time. She is one of those who carries a gift to help believers connect the dots! Do you need some dots connected? Read on…

- James Nesbit has an unusual ability to help the Body of Christ see eternal reality through the gift of art. Both C. Peter Wagner and Cindy Jacobs have said James is one of the leading prophetic artists in the earth today.

A new Era has arrived in the Earth realm! Mysteries hidden from former generations are now being revealed to God’s ekklesia (Ephesians 3:3-5). These mysteries include the revelation of a governing family of God. Jesus promised He would build this family, His ekklesia, the Church, and none of the powers, principalities or strategies of hell would be able to defeat this powerful governing family of God (Matthew 16:18). Dr. Patti Amsden unveils a powerful mystery of the councils found in the Bible. Readers will understand the functioning of God’s ekklesia council . They will also understand their mandate for dethroning the evil, fallen council family, that is opposed to God’s will in the earth. The Ekklesia Council: A Tale of Two Families, should be read by every believer at this critical moment in history! Read it and get repositioned to fulfill God’s great plan for your life!

- Barbara Wentroble is President of International Breakthrough Ministries, Breakthrough Business Leaders and the author of fourteen books.

Patti Amsden was made to swim in the deep end of the pool. Her teachings, driven by relentless curiosity for truth and meaning, continue to bless all of us looking to more perfectly understand the way the Godhead manages the created order. The Ekklesia Council: A Tale of Two Families is an essential book for leaders and serious Christians who are called to help shape the current unrolling of God’s Kingdom order on the earth today.

- Dennis Peacocke is an influencer and convener of global leaders in multiple vocations and spheres of management, and has spent some fifty years, with his wife Jan, helping us better understand the discipling of nations and the scope and skillsets required for operating in the Kingdom of God.

Additional information

ISBN 978-1-937514-50-1
Page Count 294
Weight 17.28 oz
Dimensions 6.0 × 9.0 × 0.72 in
Book Type

Paperback, eBook