Christy Weaver
The Lord gave Christy a dream several years ago that left her quite alarmed by what she experienced. This caused a dramatic shift in the trajectory of her life. What she didn’t realize was that the Lord was ready to remove the old broken life and its bondage to bring her into a life of deliverance and healing. A life full of abundant peace, joy, love, all things good that she would then go on and share with others.
This took Christy on a journey seeking and searching all that the Lord had for her. She did not know where to find what she was searching for, as she had already done that which she knew. All she could do was to trust the Lord through the process and follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit. It was a journey full of many lessons and many blessings!
The Lord guided her on a journey into victory. Victory through valleys. Victory through shadows. Victory through tragedy. Victory into what many believe is only attainable when they leave this earth and reach Heaven. She will tell you that what you seek in peace, joy, happiness, love, freedom from fear, freedom from anxiety, freedom from rejection, hopelessness, and despair is here for you now, in this life. You don’t have to wait until you reach Heaven for these things. Christy desires to share all that the Lord has shown her so that you too can attain all these things for your life!
Christy Weaver is dedicated to teach, train, and equip believers to passionately pursue a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit guided by the Holy Scriptures. She desires for every believer to walk in victory and to live in the fullness that Christ has promised. She wants every believer to actively see, hear, and know the Holy Spirit intimately, being led by the Holy Spirit, walking in the presence of the Lord, and carrying the glory of God as witnesses to others in their own lives.
She actively serves on the worship team, the altar/prayer team, and is a prayer warrior at her home church in Des Moines, Iowa. She is currently working toward her bachelor’s degree at Canon Christian College. She presently lives in Des Moines with her husband and two teenage children. She enjoys her quiet time with the Lord, spending time with family and friends, traveling, playing games, riding on the back of her husband’s motorcycle, and scrapbooking.
Titles By Christy Weaver