Dr. David Shamenda
Dr. David Shamenda joins Dr. Tim Hill of Church of God for PRIORITY Prayer.
Dr. Shamenda has over 35 years of successful and diverse experience in teaching, ministering, and planting churches. In addition to extensive mission work in the United States, Asia, Africa, and Europe, he founded King’s Church in Livingstone Zambia, founded The Fountain International Church in Murfreesboro, TN, and Lawrenceville, GA, and also founded Home City Church in Buffalo, NY.
Deliverance is a teaching manual Dr. Shamenda authored to assist those who are afflicted, oppressed, addicted, or in bondage of some kind and they choose to be delivered biblically from any kind of bondage.
From 2005 to 2010, Dr. David Shamenda founded Fountain International Seminary after briefly serving with the Kingdomizer Seminary as a president in Atlanta, GA, as well as various international seminaries across Europe and Asia.
Also, he developed the “Dream of a Champion” program, whereby we reached out to people to help them acquire their GED, get employment, and train for the ministry.
From 2011 to 2019, The Brick-and-Mortar Program was developed through research to offer the most effective way to raise church planters.
Dr. Shamenda in 1996 founded Shalom International Fellowship, a program for mentorship for pastors and their spouses and lay leaders that seek to be connected to other pastors, to understand effective preaching, and to affiliate with other pastors around the world.
From 2012 to 2019, The Indigenous Outreach Program was developed to assist those in the African culture, to reach their people and other Third World nations, along with Shalom Ministerial Association in Murfreesboro, TN, as well as church planters in urban areas and major metropolitan cities.
Dr. David Shamenda and his wife, Ruth Shamenda, co-authored Joshua’s Satellite Leadership Training, based on Joshua’s leadership skills and how to raise qualities of good leadership among pastors and lay leaders in the church. This is a study of Joshua’s quality leadership and adopting it into today’s church.
Dr. Shamenda is fluent in speaking, reading, and writing in five African languages: Tonga, Nyanja, Bemba, Shona, and English. He has been a guest professor and lecturer at many colleges and universities, including universities in Tennessee, Chicago, and New York University.
Dr. David Shamenda is often sought after as a man of God in healing and miracles, with signs and wonders accompanying him with very proficient abilities to articulate in his preaching, teaching, or evangelization messages. Some who know him closely call him a pastor of pastors. When asking about him, Dr. Shamenda will respond to you by saying, “I’m just a simple man from Zambia Itezhi-Itezhi, born from a mission hospital Jembo and earmarked for death, but Satan could not touch my destiny because it was hidden in God’s hands.”
Titles By Dr. David Shamenda

Essential Faith
$7.49 – $14.99 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product pageDr. David Shamenda's Itinerary
This About That - Dr. David Shamenda's Thoughts
The following articles are provided by the Author and may not represent the feelings or ideals of GetMyNewBook.Faith Will Move Mountains, Part 2 (Essential Faith Connects to God’s Saving Power)
Posted on: July 1, 2022
Faith Will Move Mountains, Part 2 Essential Faith Connects to God’s Saving Power
The omnipotence of saving faith. By believing we place ourselves in connection with Almighty God, sin and guilt in us is expelled. You cannot expel sin from your own heart, but the word of Christ is omnipotent and so powerful, that as you believe in Almighty God, you will begin to see the results that are impossible to see without faith.
Life is full of changes and contrast. The best of man’s quality and character is what he is in, and how he meets these abrupt and broken changes. Faith is the knowledge of, trust in, and commitment to Jesus Christ that is required for salvation—being forgiven and set free from sin and guilt.
“Faith” in the New Testament usually refers to trusting in Christ for salvation. In return, God is faithful to us to meet our needs both for now and for eternity. Jude 3 refers to “the faith” that has been delivered to the saints. Saving faith requires more than mere mental assent to the truth of the gospel message: “You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!” (James 2:19 ESV)
Demons believe because they know God’s power. Knowing about God doesn’t save; repenting and trusting Jesus Christ as the Christ, the Son of the Living God leads to salvation. This initial trust, given in response to the gospel’s announcement, is the first step in an ongoing covenant relationship marked by continuing trust and faithfulness to follow Christ.
Essential faith trusts Almighty God to save us, give us the gift of His Spirit, and empower us to live the abundant life in Christ.
Faith Will Move Mountains, Part 1 (Essential Faith Must Be Connected!)
Posted on: June 30, 2022
Faith Will Move Mountains, Part 1 Essential Faith Must Be Connected!
On p. 16 in my book, Essential Faith, I explained how faith is bold and unbending. Faith is an unmovable object which doesn’t give way when met by overwhelming, forceful attacks. Essential faith is immovable and undefeatable because its foundation is immutable, irrefutable truth. Jesus taught, If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Mt. 17:20 ESV)
According to what I explained in Essential Faith, the weakness of most Christians is we pretend to believe in what God can do, but we don't believe in the supernatural manifestations of God.
Why is faith an absolute necessity in a believer’s daily walk with Christ? Without faith, the disciples could do nothing without faith, and the father of the lunatic child could receive nothing without faith. Why is that? Faith is more than belief; it is a direct, personal connection with the All-Powerful God. A light bulb cannot shine without being connected to electric power. A sprinkler and hose must be connected to a faucet that is turned on! Essential faith connects you with the omnipotent God of all power.
Absolute surrender of believing we can do anything on our own with complete trust in God’s power makes us immovable objects resisting every temptation and overcoming every attack of Satan or the world.
Reject your own prideful strength and connect by faith with Christ to do the impossible!