Apostles’ Creed


Jesus spoke that a wise scribe brings forth the old and the new. (Mt. 13:52) Wisdom dictates that we should build upon the foundations that have been laid. The creeds of the church have helped to achieve this goal. They define a synopsis of historic faith and clarify truths that the church fathers fought to protect. They declare the basic blueprint of God’s plan from creation to consummation.

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Jesus spoke that a wise scribe brings forth the old and the new. (Mt. 13:52) Wisdom dictates that we should build upon the foundations that have been laid. The creeds of the church have helped to achieve this goal. They define a synopsis of historic faith and clarify truths that the church fathers fought to protect. They declare the basic blueprint of God’s plan from creation to consummation. Creeds embody in words a sure foundation upon which to build. This study on the Apostles’ Creed will help to:

“Discover the continuity of God’s plan for the ages”

  • “Become enthralled with the characteristics of God’s nature”
  • “Be on guard against error in the doctrine of Christ”
  • “Embrace the work of the Holy Spirit for sanctification”
  • “Rejoice over the promised victory of the Kingdom of Christ”
  • “Anticipate the glorious future of the church”

The church which Jesus promised to build (Matt. 16:18) was not birthed into a vacuum of nothingness. He did not start from ground level zero. Rather, the New Testament church rises from the root system of Abraham, is grounded in the fertile soil of Old Testament truth, grows out of Jesus’ redemptive work, and is revealed by the works and writings of the early apostolic church. Simply stated, what we have today is a result of that which went before. We have been grafted into something that already existed (Rom. 11:16-18). This concept is called continuity.

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Additional information

ISBN 978-1-937514-85-3
Page Count 160
Weight 9.6 oz
Dimensions 6.0 × 9.0 × 0.39 in
Book Type

Paperback, eBook