Deep In The Heart


Deep in my heart, Faith, Family, and Football have always sequentially been the most important priorities in my life.

Deep In The Heart – Paperback
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“Most of the greatest moments in sports originate from the depths of one’s spirit and are known only by God and that one person, but sometimes God decides to change the world with a public display of a few of those great moments that come from “Deep in the Heart.” – Randy Pippin

Deep in my heart, Faith, Family, and Football have always sequentially been the most important priorities in my life. As a freshman at Cisco Jr, College, God planted a seed in my mind and heart to someday make a movie or write a book entitled “Deep in the Heart” largely in part about the “why” of football being so important to Texas boys like myself. I eventually would learn that it wasn’t just Texas boys, but the South where the passion for football ran so deep.

Fast forward thirty-plus years to the summer of 2015. I went to work for a newly resurrected UAB football program after I had run a gauntlet through small college coaching jobs throughout the South. It started to dawn on me that I could create the framework of the book “Deep in the Heart” by logging the UAB Football “real life” events in chapter format and then documenting the chapters along the way. I knew that God was at work and a miracle was in the making, so I began to organize my thoughts on paper and blend them with the “Deep in the Heart” unfolding script.

What’s Inside?
Christ raised this team from the dead and His word is true,
He did it for Birmingham and He will do it for you.

Since we know God’s word is true for us throughout eternities,
How good it is to know that Christ himself said, “…they will do
even greater things than these.”

Additional information

ISBN 978-1-6305-0104-4
Page Count 240
Weight 14.08 oz
Dimensions 6.0 × 9.0 × 0.59 in
Book Type
