Dr. Larry Keefauver
Larry and Judi Keefauver have been in ministry for over 40 years. Both have extensive experience in counseling and mentoring. Their three adult children are married, are actively living for the Lord and are parenting seven grandchildren. Judi and Larry have traveled internationally leading seminars and conferences on family, marriage, parenting, church leadership and spiritual growth. They have an international TV program, Family Forum, seen throughout Taiwan, China, Korea and on the Internet through GoodTV.
Dr. Larry Keefauver with degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and Texas Christian University is professionally and educationally trained in pastoral counseling and Judi is a registered nurse. Best-selling family books include: Lord I Wish My Family Would Get Saved, The 77 Irrefutable Truths of Parenting (with Judi), Proactive Parenting—The Early Years, The 77 Irrefutable Truths of Marriage (with Judi), Lord I Wish My Teenage Would Talk With Me, and Lord I Wish My Husband Would Pray with Me. Judi’s devotional book for women is Be.
With over 2.5 million books worldwide in 12 languages, Dr. Keefauver is the noted author of Inviting God’s Presence, When God Doesn’t Heal Now, Experiencing the Holy Spirit, The 77 Irrefutable Truths of Ministry, Hugs for Grandparents, Hugs for Heroes, Commanding Angels—Invoking the Standing Orders, From the Oval Office: Prayers of the Presidents, The 77 Irrefutable Truths of Prayer and Friend to Friend. He edited the bestselling through the Bible in one year curriculum—What the Bible is All About (Gospel Light). Other adult curriculum includes Making Love Last Forever (with Gary Smalley), Truth Matters (with Josh McDowell), and The Seasons of a Man’s Life (Patrick Morley) all with Lifeway Press. His most recent books include a new and revised edition of Commanding Angels (2016 Camden House Books) and Becoming a Bestselling Author: 21 Proven, Profitable Pointers for Marketing and Selling You & Your Message.
Dr. Keefauver has written extensively for Christian magazines and is a contributing editor and writer for Ministry Today, Kairos and Harvest Times. Dr. Keefauver is a member of the International Coalition of Apostles, and the Open Bible Faith Fellowship. Larry is involved in financial, business and church consulting. He and Judi have bases in Orlando and Maui, Hawaii; they partner and consult in marketplace ministry ventures nationally and internationally. Larry and Judi teach counseling, marriage and family in CLEN/CLST, Christ for the Nations in Brazil, and in Bible schools throughout North America and Asia. Dr. Keefauver is a senior ministry partner and board member with Eagles’ Wings Ministries and gives apostolic oversight to pastors, churches and non-profits throughout the US. He and Judi are members of the St. Nektarios Orthodox Mission in Waxahachie, Texas.
Titles By Dr. Larry Keefauver

77 Irrefutable Truths of Ministry
$8.95 – $12.95 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product pageDr. Larry's Itinerary
This About That - Dr. Larry's Thoughts
The following articles are provided by the Author and may not represent the feelings or ideals of GetMyNewBook.Leave a Legacy in Print
Posted on: June 30, 2022
Millions of people like yourself have taken their bestselling, life-changing books with them to the grave. Your legacy book sharing your testimony and knowledge about the Lord Jesus Christ, can be the instrument through which scores of people are saved, healed, and delivered. God can use your book can change the lives of thousands of people or simply change one life who impact the lives of thousands of people.
Stop procrastinating. Jesus has sent you into your world to be His Witness. Rebuke the lies of the devil. He distracts and deceives you with lies like...you don't have the time...you don't have the money...you are not smart enough or equipped to write a book...you are all alone and no one will help you...or even if you write the book, it won't make a difference. Lies...all lies.
Consider this. If you fail to write, someone won't get saved, healed, or delivered because of your inaction. So, reach out to me at drlarrykeefauver@gmail.com. Let me help you get started with your legacy in print.
4 Simple Steps to Self-Publishing Your Book
Posted on: June 8, 2022
As a bestselling author, Author Coach, and editor/ghostwriter, I am often asked by authors how to move forward with publishing a book. Here's an overview:
1. Write the book. Write down your core message or premise in 500 words or less. Describe your market profile. Who would want to buy and read your book? Remember that you should "write to the market." That means that a sellable book should answer the questions and meet the needs of your potential book buyer. Your content can be written by you in a word file or handwritten in journals, diaries, etc., or transcribed from an audio or video file.
2. Edit the book. All authors need their book copyedited, developmental edited, or ghostwritten. This cost is often computed per word from $.05 to $.20 a word depending on the level of the edit. I have a full editing team for doing this necessary step.
3. Produce the book. Get the book ready for prepress, typeset it, do a cover design, get print files ready for print on demand, Epub, Kindle, and even audio. You will also need an ISBN number, and to file copyright forms.
4. Distribute, Market, Sell and Fulfill the book orders. Getmynewbook.com has all these services.
Every book is a business card and needs a business plan including a budget. I am available to answer your questions and concerns about how to get your book published.
Dr. Larry Keefauver, lkeefauv@yahoo.com
Scriptures remind us that the tongue is a fire.
Posted on: November 13, 2020
If Trump should lose this election after all the rulings in the court cases and recounts, his tongue and his pride will be significant factors in his loss. As I’ve said before, Pence for President.
We are to love our enemies and pray for our rulers. This is certainly a time to take seriously 2 Chronicles 7:14. There is a deep and evil state; its name is Hell. Let declare that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. So, let us pray without ceasing. Our prayers will affect more change than protest. Speaking the truth in love is essential. We must be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. Join me in corporate repentance for systemic racism, injustice, corporate greed, masonic paganism, Academic arrogance, economic suppression, infanticide in the womb, and hate towards those who are different or disagree with us.
Put on the armor of God. Join me as we pray together that Our Father and Jesus prayers without ceasing. Let us do God’s will which is to rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all things. Let us boldly declare that God is at work in all things for good toward those who love him and are called according to His purpose. Let us be radically passionate about both Matthew 25 and Matthew 28. Renounce civil religion for pure and holy religion in which Christ alone is Lord and King.
Love to you in Christ Jesus. He is risen!
Dr. Larry Keefauver,
The One Reason I Must Vote Trump & Against Biden and All Democratic Candidates
Posted on: June 8, 2020
I have a distant relative, Estes Kefauver, who ran on the Democratic ticket with Adlai Stevenson in 1956...and lost. Back then, my family members throughout east Tennessee were stanch, Southern Democrats. What caused me to switch parties in the 1970s? ...the Bible...God, actually. Abortion is no different than the pagan, idolatrous, and Satanic practices of the ages of sacrificing babies to idols.
So, a number of people have asked me how can I vote for narcissistic Trump, whose character is truly flawed, as mine is as well...Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, and on us, sinners. I can never vote for a party or belong to a church for that matter that is pro-choice or should I say sheds the blood of innocents, aborts babies, and thus support the bloodiest, deadliest, genocidal holocaust in history. I am pro-Israel, of course, so is God. I am pro-life, so is God. Trump is pro-life and appoints conservative, pro-life judges to the Supreme Court. If for no other reason, I will vote against Biden and for Trump.
Most historians estimate that Hitler's Nazis killed more than 6 million Jews in the Holocaust and that Stalin killed somewhere between 12-20 million Christians in Russia as well as over 106,000 clergymen during the Great Purge. Untold millions of Christians have been imprisoned and murdered in China's ongoing persecution of Christians since Mao's time through the Cultural Revolution until today. Where is America's church? We should be continually protesting in Washington, DC, and in state capitols against abortion and the continued martyrdom of Christians around the world. Yes, Black Lives Matter, and so do white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, and every race, color, or creed-all lives matter. Christian Lives Matter as well.
Baby Lives Matter! Over 46 million and counting babies have been murdered in America since 1973 when Roe vs Wade became law. Over 600,000 babies are still murdered every year. Tens of thousands of people will march and protest in the streets over the murder of a man, and the cause of Civil Rights. But where are the thousands of God-fearing people who will march for the human rights of babies? When I vote for Trump, I will exercise my right as an American citizen to vote for life.
This and That
Posted on: June 4, 2020
-Mandate 1-
Know the Premise and Purpose of Your Message –
Your Book, Talk, Teaching, Blog, Video, Course, Business, Ministry, Vocation, Season, Life!
To everything, there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven. (Eccl. 3:1)
All communication published through every venue of media in sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell must be purposeful. If your message is to be instructive, inspiring, and impactful, it must have a focus, a premise, and a purpose. The Hebrew word for purpose is chephets. This is the same word that’s also translated desire which in its etymology is: de in Latin is from; sire in Latin is superior, sir, Father. Desire connotes “from the Father.”
When the Psalmist declares that God will give us the desires of our heart, we understand that the pure and holy thoughts within us arising from the Mind of Christ are birthed by the Father, the progenitor of all good thoughts, feelings, and actions.
When an author, writer, speaker, or leader has a message, a book, speech, or curriculum in mind, I always ask, “What is the premise [precipitating purpose]? Who is the market? When is the right time [Kairos] to present it? Where will it go in being distributed, marketed, and sold?” If an author cannot summarize the answers to these Who, What, When, Where, and Why questions in 500 words or less, then he/she must pause, pray, get into His presence, so that God can breathe power, passion, plans, process, and productivity into the author’s soul.
To paraphrase Ecclesiastes 3:1, “For every message that is to be published, it must arise out of the desire/purpose of God at the right time and season, for the right reason, to communicate the right message in the right way, to give right answers and meet the real needs of others. Your message isn’t about you; it must help others. Others do not care about your story unless it communicates Truth (divine wisdom, knowledge, and understanding) to their story.
Ask yourself about your message…
- Who is my market?
- What questions will be answered and needs met that others have?
- When is the right time and timeline to construct and communicate the message given to me by God?
- Where do I have favor to go, finance, publicize, market, and sell this message?
- Why must I do this? To glorify and obey God? To encourage, equip, and educate others? To inform, inspire, and impact readers, viewers, and listeners whose lives will be changed?
Heavenly Father, have mercy on me. May my tongue be the pen in the Hand of Thee, the skilled Write. I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
© 2020 Dr. Larry Keefauver, permission to use must be granted by the author. drlarrykeefauver@gmail.com Request a copy of Dr. Keefauver’s book, Understand Your Season; Know God’s Timing, Keep Divine AppointmentsNever ask God why? or when?
Posted on: January 22, 2020
Always ask God who? or what? or how?
I have officiated hundreds of funerals and visited parishioners thousands of times in hospitals and hospices over my 40+ years of ministry.
I have counseled with individuals and families for thousands of hours regarding issues about abuse, addiction, abortion, immorality, separation, divorce, hurt, pain, unforgiveness, regret, resentment, depression, despair, suicide, death, murder, doubt, hate, anger, fear, financial ruin, and mayhem.
Almost without an exception, they have asked innumerable why and when questions like...
Why did God allow this? or When will God act?
Rarely do they ask...
Who is God in my life and situation? What does He want from me? How am I to surrender and obey Him now?
Most Christians want rational, finite reasons not holiness, mystery, sovereignty and divine providence.
Wanting answers "for me" from God never works.
He desires that I listen first and then respond, "Yes, Lord."
God is at work for good in everything as we love Him and others, give Him all glory, and pray, "Thy will not mine be done."
Years ago, I learned that when God answers with silence it means that I need to wait upon the Lord.
Yes, He does answer with no, go, or slow as well.
And often He answers with hindsight not foresight, wisdom not prophecy, and irrefutable truth not a myth.
Again, let us pray, "Lord have mercy" and be still...knowing that He alone is God.
Stay in His Presence.
Live in Hope, not Expectation
Posted on: January 2, 2020
When I have or others have for me unrealistic expectations, disappointment is usually just around the corner. Likewise, when I put my hope in the promises of other, I find that they rarely come true. When I wish upon a star, my dream simply doesn’t come true; fantasy even when created by Disney simply isn’t real. Some faith teachers instruct us to “expect a miracle.” My counterpunch to this cliché is simply “expect God.” Since God is at work for good in all things for those who love Him and are called according to His promises, I must live in hope because God is Hope. No hope exists outside of God in Christ. “My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus’ blood and righteousness...On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”
Therefore, when I feel disappointment with God, I must take responsibility for my feelings and expectations of God which were carnal not incarnate. I place all my hope in God doing exactly what He promised in His ways and timing. All His promises are “yes” and “amen.”
Disappointed in God? Then lay all your expectations, timelines and operational strategies at the foot of the Cross.
Stop singing, “I surrender some” and start living “I surrender all.”
Stop blaming God and others for not doing what you expect.
Start hoping in the mercies of God which are new every morning. Pray without ceasing, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
Expect God. Put all your hope in Him. Such rightly placed hope never disappoints. Then you will assuredly discover that the good plans God has for you are to give you a hope and future. Get over yourself and expect God your Eternal Hope.
While writing and editing today…
Posted on: November 11, 2019
While writing and editing today, I read this:
John D. Rockefeller once said, “I do not think there is any other quality so essential to the success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost anything.”
St. Paul wrote in Romans 5 that "perseverance" helps to shape our character. When people ask how I wrote, edited and published so many of my books and hundreds of others, I answer, "Perserverance...and finishing." Perhaps the greatest enemies of success are "distraction, doubt, and delay" which all cause a lack of focus, faith, and finishing strong.
--Dr. Larry
"Lord, may I be so conformed to your life that I may continually cry out after finishing each task you give me, 'It is finished.' Completed to your glory so that I may shine for Thee. Amen."
They're Talking About Dr. Larry
"This book is a great tool for church staff, leadership teams and volunteers to come together in unity over what ministry is all about. These truths help build a momentum of culture that allows everyone to feel empowered to be the hands and feet of Christ to those they are called to minister to. Thank you, Dr. Larry, for equipping the church with powerful simple truths to keep us anchored to true ministry." – Pastor Tim Hobson, Lamb of God Fellowship, Montrose, MI
"This book is a great tool for church staff, leadership teams and volunteers to come together in unity over what ministry is all about. These truths help build a momentum of culture that allows everyone to feel empowered to be the hands and feet of Christ to those they are called to minister to. Thank you, Dr. Larry, for equipping the church with powerful simple truths to keep us anchored to true ministry." – Pastor Tim Hobson, Lamb of God Fellowship, Montrose, MI