Everyday Sales Wisdom


No Matter the Career you have chosen. YOUR ARE IN SALES. With every interaction, your clients, prospects, and colleagues decide if your personal brand is worthy of investment towards a short or long-term relationship… and that affects your advancement, earning potential, and ultimately the quality of your life.

Everyday Sales Wisdom – Paperback
Everyday Sales Wisdom – eBook
Everyday Sales Wisdom – AudioBook
SKU: 978-1937514792 Categories: , , , , , , ,


No Matter the Career you have chosen. YOU ARE IN SALES. With every interaction, your clients, prospects, and colleagues decide if your personal brand is worthy of investment towards a short or long-term relationship… and that affects your advancement, earning potential, and ultimately the quality of your life. Career and personal success require the development of genuine, sincere, and humble caring about people!! It is not what you say to people: it is how you deliver the messages to them. Learning to go the extra mile to exceed customer expectations is NOT the only skill needed to create a strong personal and professional relationship in life. Understanding the qualities of communication that YOU must bring to the table to selflessly serve others is the foundation upon which your career will flourish. Everyday Sales Wisdom for Your Life & Career will transcend the status quo of traditional sales books and provide you with life lessons that will serve you throughout your professional journey, whether you are: Just starting your career. Looking to create long-lasting relationships in life/business? Struggling to “sell” your personal brand to colleagues/customers? Fearful about your future career success, or you simply just want to learn to understand how to communicate the “Soft Skills” more effectively? This must-read will change your career trajectory and your relationships for the better.

Coming Soon!

Additional information

ISBN 978-1937514792
Page Count
Weight 6.08 oz
Dimensions 6.0 × 9.0 × 0.25 in
Book Type

Paperback, eBook, AudioBook